"Education consists in fact in enabling man to become more man, to “be” more and not just to “have” more and consequently, through everything he “has”, everything he “possesses”, to “be” man more fully. For this purpose man must be able to “be more” not only “with others”, but also “for others”.

St. John Paul II



John Paul II Polish Saturday School of at the St. Agatha's Polish Roman Catholic Parish in St. Louis, Missouri was founded in 2005. The first school lessons took place in October 2005.

In September 2011, the name was changed: Blessed John Paul II Polish Saturday School and the structure of the school was determined.

In 2014, after the canonization of Pope John Paul II, the name of the school was changed to: St. (Saint) John Paul II Polish Saturday School.

From the beginning of its existence, the St. John Paul Polish Saturday School  has been a Catholic school and recognized in the Archdiocese of St. Louis, Missouri, and benefits from a tax exemption given to St. Agatha's Parish in St. Louis.





Agnieszka Lass-Napiórkowska

School principal



Address: 3239 South 9th Street; St. Louis, MO 63118 / School principal - Agnieszka Lass-Napiorkowska / tel. 314-772-1603 / E-mail parishoffice@polishchurchstlouis.org